+44 (0) 191 285 6130
Access / Participation
We want everyone to feel welcome at Trinity and able to participate as fully as possible, regardless of age, health, gender, sexuality, race, religion (though our Church services are obviously Christian), or any other distinction.
Here are some of the things we are doing to help everyone participate, but please let us know if there is more we can do for you.
There is step-free access to all parts of our Centre.
The main entrance to the Centre is via the Cafe. The outer door slides on a motion sensor. The next door is motorised on a push-button. Fire doors in the passageways are usually kept open unless the fire alarm is activated. The door into the Church from the centre is push-button activated.
There is a lift up to the first floor (for the Tyne Hall, Allen Room, and Office).
Accessible toilets can be found on both floors.
Two spaces in our car park (entrance on Ivy Road) are marked out for blue badge holders. The door onto the car park is generally for exit only. There is an intercom that you can try, but it isn’t always monitored. The route from the car park to the main entrance to the Centre is shown on the aerial view below (scroll to the end).
The outer doors into the Church from Trinity Square are heavy. These doors are mainly only used for services and some other events in the church. At these times a steward may be on duty to help with the door. Otherwise, there is access through the café entrance, to the left hand side of the church building (see above). This brings you into the front end of the church.
Hearing impairment
Our ground-floor meeting rooms have built-in induction loops.
Our church services are live-streamed on YouTube and there is Wi-Fi in the church and centre. You are welcome to use a mobile or tablet during the service and follow along (with speaker volume muted please!) on YouTube with 'CC' (close- captioning/sub-titles) switched on. They lag behind slightly and may not always be accurate, but they may be helpful.
Sight impairment
We try to keep the passageways in the Centre free of clutter and other hazards. However, the buggy park area can get cluttered. Definition of edges (stairs, doorways, etc) could be better.
In our church services, the words to the songs and Bible readings are projected. We provide large-print hymn books and printed words for those who cannot easily see words projected onto the screens. Alternatively, you can access our projection system via Bluetooth on a mobile or tablet. Please ask one of our tech team for help with this, but well before the service starts.
During the week, please ask at Reception or at the Office if you need a quiet space.
We are constantly exploring how to make our church services easier to access.
The cafe is open on Sundays if being in Church becomes overwhelming, or sit in the foyer, where you'll be able to hear the service. The Derwent Hall is available as a quiet space during the service. After-church coffee can get quite noisy, but you're welcome to take your drink into the Coquet/Breamish Room or the Church for some quieter conversation.
More about Church services
Most Sundays, a printed script of the sermon is available in the foyer. If you have a hearing impairment, or English is not your first language, or it’s just a challenge to listen to someone talk for 20 minutes, or for any other reason that would make this helpful, please take a copy.
Not everyone can get to Trinity in person at 10.30 on a Sunday - for a whole variety of reasons. So Trinity can come to you. See our Trinity Online page to find out more about services and small groups online and by post.
Gendered toilets
While we have two larger single-gendered toilets (Ladies & Gents), there are plenty of non-specific individual toilets in the Centre.